Click the options below to order your yard card

Please note:
Our travel distance is about a 30 mile radius from Clayton, NC. If the yard card address is outside our 30 mile radius, please contact us prior to placing the order.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please let us know if there are dangerous pets (or neighbors!) or any other notes to consider regarding the property (Gate, security, difficult terrain, no grass, etc).

If there is a very specific time that you would like to have the card installed just let us know when we contact you to confirm your order and although we can’t make any promises - we will do our very best to accommodate that.

You will keep the Signature and Personalized cards for a minimum of 48 hours and the Extra Large Cards and Theme Cards you will keep for up to 72 hours (weather permitting). We will come pick it up when it works best for our schedule. You may be lucky and get a free day!

Yes, there is a $25 charge for each additional name.

Yes absolutely our Yard Cards will be installed rain or shine! In the event of a dangerous monsoon, tornado, or hurricane we will work together to decide what to do in that case!

If your event is postponed or cancelled, as long as we have not already installed the card - we will happily give you a credit for your next event and work with you to reschedule! Please give us at least 24 hours notice of cancellation or rescheduling otherwise a $25 rescheduling fee will apply.

We will travel about a 30 mile radius from Clayton, NC. If the yard card address is outside our 30 mile radius, please contact us prior to placing the order.

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The Yard Card Company

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